My back wall is lined with six Bougainvillea plants. I think the previous owners planted them for privacy. The plants grow fast and shed their red petals…regular cleanup and maintenance is a must.
Once venturing out to do some trimming, I saw a weed had popped up. Single skinny stalk about three feet high with the most beautiful flowers. Instinctively I pulled it out but immediately regretted uprooting it. Why did I just kill something so beautiful?
The Lantana Camara is officially considered a weed. A weed is defined as a wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants. It was different, it didn’t fit and it had to go, no matter how special or beautiful it was.
How does our religious mindset define what is beautiful and what is not? In what context do we define ideas of church, pastors and prophets? What do we do with people who may be beautiful but don’t fit in? Have you ever felt that you didn’t fit in organized church? Unfortunately, like the Lantera Camara, if you don’t conform in a corporate church there is little chance of thriving.
I think of the Old Testament prophets, John the Baptist and Jesus. Organized religion didn’t recognize their beauty and so they did as I did, plucked them out.
As a house church facilitator, I am amazed at how unique, wonderful, beautiful and yes wild people can be. Most Christ followers have never been given a chance to express themselves in a spiritual setting. We rely on pastors, teachers and small group leaders to feed us, which then sets a pattern of how things are done and defines what is normal.
You can now purchase Lantana Camara, plant them and admire your ‘weed’ garden. My prayer is for more weed gardens to pop up and thrive, creating a new definition of what is a Biblical Church. Don’t give up if you have been hurt by religion…you just need to find a place where you can thrive.