
It’s a Twister!

Perhaps I was a bit young to have watched the Wizard of Oz. I remember being terrified as the tornado wrought a path of destruction, picked the house up and took Dorothy and Toto away. The nightmare of that tornado was replayed in my dreams for many years. It was only after moving to Tulsa and seeing one for myself that the nightmares ended.

Tornadoes are beautiful, powerful and horribly destructive at the same time. One becomes mesmerized watching earth and sky lose their natural boundaries and become a singular element that we’ve labeled a tornado. For me it reminds me of something supernatural.

A couple of weeks ago, at our relational gathering, my friend Rachel described a supernatural event that happened to her. It encouraged us all and her testimony is shared below.

Craig and Rachel

I was hospitalized in September 2021 with pneumonia due to complicated underlying health issues that I was not aware of at the time. It was during the Covid lockdowns, and my husband could not be with me nor visit me. I felt scared and alone. 

On my second night there, one of the nurses came in at 11pm and told me that my oxygen levels were not looking good. He said that I had one more machine to try before needing a respirator. This was devastating news for me as I did everything I could to not be on a respirator. After he left, I texted my three best friends and my husband. They got down on their knees and prayed for me immediately. I set down my phone, closed my eyes and prayed like I never had prayed before. I had never relied more on God than I had in that moment. Being alone for me is one of the worst feelings. As I begged God to spare my life, I also begged to feel his presence. I knew He was there with me, but I still felt so alone. It was at that moment, with my eyes closed, that I felt a hand rest upon my right arm above my elbow. It was a gentle touch but firm. It startled me so much that I quickly opened my eyes. I fully expected it to be a nurse at my side, but there was nobody. It had to be Jesus. I sobbed. I knew it was the hand of God comforting me and getting me through. 

It was a long eight days in the hospital and after lots of healing, I am almost totally healthy! I thank God for never leaving or forsaking me. He’s always been there. I was just blessed enough to feel it.

Rachel and her praying friends

Whether it’s a dream, vision, physical touch or a spoken word, God regularly injects Himself supernaturally into our lives. When He does, it changes us forever. I believe these “spiritual tornadoes” occur more often than many of us think. Over and over again, I’ve heard testimonies of Heaven and Earth intersecting on behalf of His children. Personally, some of these experiences have changed the course of my life.

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Hematoma and Prayer

I’ve just had a physical exam and the doctor gave me a clean bill of health. I’ve had some medical issues in the past, but at 65 I’m trying my best to eat healthy and get regular exercise. Unfortunately one of my medications increases the number of my red blood cells. The doctor has ordered a therapeutic blood draw every three months to avoid complications.

Vitalant Blood Donation – Be a Hero

Before the doctor’s order, I never donated blood. Maybe I was scared? Now I go every three months and feel like a hero! Please consider giving blood and if you currently do, thank you. The one problem I have giving blood is that “I’m a hard stick”. My veins are deep and they roll. Yesterday, I gave blood but three people had to work on getting my blood to flow. From all that poking, I developed a hematoma, a small amount of blood that pooled under my skin resembling a bruise.

When they were finished collecting my blood, I started to feel flush. They elevated my feet, made me wiggle them, put a few ice packs on me and gave me some water and pretzels. It’s a bit embarrassing but it has happened before, I knew the signs and told them immediately and in a few minutes I was back to normal.

Knowing the signs and getting quick help is important. You would think, as a mature Christ follower, I would recognize the signs of a spiritual attack and ask for help right away. There is definitely a difference between feeling depressed, anxious or upset about something and an attack that is directed at you from an “outside source” that seemingly comes out of nowhere. Maybe you have experienced this also.

Last Sunday, I experienced a spiritual attack. I didn’t ask for help, I’m not sure why. I should have known better. Perhaps I wanted to pretend that I had it all together, or I didn’t want anyone to know that I’m less than perfect? In the past I prided myself in being like the rock of Gibraltar, just me and God, nobody else needed thank you. Now I cherish relationships with others.

Me, Laurie and Rich

The next morning I received a text from my friends Rich and Laurie. They were having their morning devotions and they felt led to pray for me. It made a big difference. I wish I had contacted them right away the night before. Next time, when I’m beginning to feel spiritually flush, I’ll let my friends know that I need some “ice packs”. Oft times we need the help of others, especially those who know how to pray. It doesn’t matter if it’s a spiritual attack or just something I need to deal with, it’s better to have the help of friends.


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Not A Fan

My friend Craig has become a huge fan of the GCU (Grand Canyon University) Men’s Volleyball team here in Arizona.  At this writing they are ranked in the top five in the nation with a record of 20-3.  His passion for the team overflows and affects us all. Some of us in the group have even gone with Craig to the stadium and cheered his team on.  

Craig has a special connection to volleyball.  In high school he participated in soccer but was released from the team.  While biking in the neighborhood he saw a few of his friends playing volleyball.  When they needed an extra person Craig jumped in.  That same year, 1988, his junior year, his high school started a volleyball team, which Craig joined. The Royal High School Highlanders in Simi Valley, CA went on to the playoffs their first year and Craig was an instrumental part in their success.  The following year Craig was named a Co-MVP as the Highlanders set a league record.  

Craig was Royal High School’s First Division 1 men’s volleyball recruit and went on to play for San Diego State.  Recently, Craig and his wife Rachel returned to California where he was inducted into the Royal Volleyball Hall of Fame.  We are all proud of our friend.

While we can spend a couple hours watching teams battle, we will never have Craig’s insight into what and why things are happening, unless you’ve been on a team yourself. We will never understand fully the training the players have to go through, the coaching, and the strategy of the game.  We may not appreciate the time it takes the team to watch films of the opposition and discuss their opponents’ strengths and weaknesses.  And then there are hours spent practicing, traveling, diets and lifestyle changes needed all to be part of a team that is dedicated to winning.  We can sit there, watch and complain that someone served the ball into the net, hit a ball out of bounds or missed a block, but we will never understand what it feels like to be on the court. 

So you know what’s coming next – my comparison of Craig’s journey to our spiritual journey.  You can write this part yourself – the encouragement to get in the game, get off the sidelines, stop being a fan of Jesus, and become a participant.  Practice hard, train hard, watch our spiritual food, and be aware of the enemy’s tactics.  Nothing new here, but I wanted to share my friend’s story and encourage you that it’s well worth the effort to participate.   

Hebrews 11 is such a powerful chapter, it’s sobering but I encourage you to read it. The faith of the patriarchs and the suffering of the saints all before Jesus came on the scene.  In Chapter 12 it says…

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:1-2 NKJV

Yes we have people cheering us on, the saints are watching, we should be encouraged and strengthened in our faith.  The cloud of witnesses understand the struggle because they were directly involved themselves.  It’s ok to be a fan, but we will have time for that later. Let’s get in the game while we still have the opportunity.  


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The Fireplace Channel

Quotes are from an interview with CBC Radio’s Margaret Gallagher.

The virtual yule log has been around since the 50’s or 60’s but George Ford is the one credited with building the perfect virtual fire. “It’s got to be bright and cheery and it’s got to have some crackle,” says Fireplace For Your Home/Netflix creator George Ford about the perfect fire.

It’s not as easy as it seems and George took hundreds of tries to get it right. He eventually settled on Canadian Fir.

“There are no hands. There are no pokers. I had to make that thing, and that’s the specialty. It starts from the beginning and it burns all the way through to the end. I had to make the logs kind of roll in on themselves … I had to make all of the stuff just look so natural, and it was so hard.”

Picture by Eva Pedersen

There is no doubt that watching flames in a fireplace, campfire or bonfire is captivating. Some suggest it taps into our primal need for safety, light and food. There are many references to fire in the Bible and today we hear terms like catch on fire for the Lord, keep your flame burning, fan the flames of your faith. I’m sure you can name many more.

I’m wondering, as we sit comfortably near the fire, do we realize that there are people out there in the darkness. Some have gotten acclimated to the darkness but I believe many are longing to see our flames and join us around the fire.

No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in might see the light.

Luke 11:33

Our culture is actively trying to extinguish our flames. It’s getting more and more challenging to share your faith without being accused of bigotry, discrimination or injustice. However, we can no longer be on the defensive, we need to find the courage to lift our flame onto our stand and shine brighter than ever before.